Author: Jason Ming Hong
Star Renegades is a good game at the end of the day, but it leaves to be desired in terms of accessibility besides having too many systems to keep up.
Apparition ends up disappointing because it's very shallow and basic.
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders is an experience that not only rescues the fun of old times in this genre, but also adds necessary mechanics to it.
Pikmin 3 Deluxe is a very suitable product for fans of real-time strategy - even more so with the possibility of co-op -, but with a crazy gameplay that only Nintendo could have done.
Supraland mixes a lot of elements like; first-person shooting, dungeons, puzzles, backtracking, power-ups, upgrades and enemies to fight.
MindSeize is a really fun experience for Metroidvania fans, even not presenting anything new and trusting in several clichés of this subgenre.
If you are a fan of point 'n' click or more recent approaches of the genre, you should definitely try Tove's adventure in her search for answers.
Pumpkin Jack is a good game, but fails to take advantage and make sense of implementing mechanics that, in the end, end up losing their purpose in gameplay.
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger HD manages to stand out and stay on top of several games that were at its side at PS2 era.
Despite 9 Monkeys of Shaolin not creating anything as innovative or ever seen, the game has good game design practices and goes well with everything that's proposed.