Tag: PS4
Prime Strategy?
The safest paper adventure you can get without paper cuts.
The final instalment of an epic adventure.
Active Neurons 2 is a charming, easy to learn, enticing puzzle game that has pleasantly surprised me. Definitely worth your time.
WARSAW is just another take on The Darkest Dungeon, but it is executed with all the style and grace of a drugged up elephant on roller blades, skating on top of an oiled up iceberg.
Ultimately a lack of originality and polish is its downfall.
Jisei: The First Case would work best as a bite size experience at a slightly lower price, something I would be more likely to perhaps recommend if it goes on sale.
It’s not the one we wanted, but it’s a start.
The Walking Dead: Onslaught looks like a great idea on paper, but the clear budgetary constraints have extinguished this particular flame way to early, leaving us a with a product which just feels underwhelming and downright disappointing.
You're a hero, there's a castle, time for some adventuring in Swordbreaker: The Game!