Tag: Sometimes You
Politics and games rarely mix, lets see if Vasilis can bring them together...............
An awful attempt at a horror game that should have stayed buried.
You've got some taxes to pay so get your bucket helmet on and find that Holy Grail in Bucket Knight!
A stunning and often challenging puzzler. The world of 7th Sector is fascinating, consistently supported by a good gameplay variety even if, at times, it can be unnecessarily difficult.
Music Racer retails at the incredibly adequate £5.79. And such price tag is not just enticing, but also fully justifiable.
A racing rhythm game that struggles to keep the momentum.
Simple, repetitive, with enough upgrades and variables to make it interesting but not life changing; in short, a game that is just a pleasant waste of time.
A time capsule of a game, it's stunning that Pantsu Hunter can be so enjoyable while still being so questionable all in the same breath.
Drowning attempts to deliver a sincere narrative about depression, but clunky handling and a bloated port leaves the audience gasping for gameplay.
A game that's fun in waves and certainly contains a lot of blood, but its lack of reward makes it a waste of your efforts.