Tag: Rating 7/10
Just imagine hide & seek with a really fun twist! It's amazing if you want something to play with friends!
A unique take on the text adventure genre. Take on 5 unique stories in this minimalist game.
Die, monster! You don't belong in...oh, sorry, wrong game. Don't expect a Castlevania: think Contra with a bow and arrow, and some damn fine stage design.
Waking is definitely one of the most personal games I’ve ever played – and I love that. Even if you don’t enjoy the combat, Waking will definitely leave a good lasting impression if you let it.
Scarlett Mysteries: Lost Child is a great little hidden object with great visuals and puzzle variety only really let down by its poor voice acting.
It's a Brawe new world...
Players looking for a challenging or funny game a la old Monkey Island games won’t find that here, but those looking for an entertaining time with a mostly wholesome story will.
Pumpkin Jack is a platforming title that is influenced by Medievil and Jak and Daxter by a one man development team and its fantastic fun to play!
Monster Prom XXL is zany dating sim meets party game and it's a great time assuming you have someone (or a few someones; the more the merrier) with which to play.
Monster Hit?