Author: Christopher McNally
Someone has died and you've been accused of murdering them in Jisei: The First Case HD
Evil Crackman is causing some issues so it's time for the Clash Force to take him out!
A visual novel solely about dogs? You must be barking up the wrong ........................
You're a cursed squid and you have to find a crab to sort it all out in Radio Squid...
Castle Pookapick needs some exploring so grab your friends in Castle Pals!
Collecting ingredients for your mother ends up turning into an adventure to save your beloved forest in Potata: Fairy Flower!
You find a demon in your kitchen, what do you do? Well you let them stay in Strawberry Vinegar!
You've let your guard down and now it's your duty to save the princess in Guard Duty!
Bring Thy Sword and get ready for some old school retro hack and slash action!
Aliens are causing havoc in space again, lets get Task Force Kampas back together!