Category: PS Vita Reviews
You've let your guard down and now it's your duty to save the princess in Guard Duty!
Bring Thy Sword and get ready for some old school retro hack and slash action!
Emma follows an owl and enters a dreamlike world. She must complete each stage before time gets away from her, and her memories begin to fade.
Paradox Soul gives a few hours of enjoyment for the few dollars it costs on the PSN store.
Zero Zero Zero Zero is almost a Ten, because it's so much fun!
The reboot failed so now you need to find the developer to help you in Reed 2!
Dragon Sinker is a solid JRPG. Where looks may let it down a bit, the battle mechanics should be enough to get you hooked. Added with an interesting story and vibrant characters, if you like classic turn-based JRPGs you can’t go wrong with picking up Dragon Sinker!
Cybarian tries to travel back to the golden age of arcade games. While fun for a few hours, it does not have much to warrant coming back to it in the future.
Guard Duty can be completed in an evening if you're dedicated, but it's a fun way to spend those hours.
Return to the realm of steampunk, Victorian romance and incredibly pretty historical figures in this fan service sequel to Guardian of Rebirth.