Author: Kizzi Nkwocha
An incredibly fun, polished and challenging game.
A VR experience that will leave you asking for more.
A great example of what creativity and imagination can achieve on the PSVR.
Shadow Legend is what you’d get if you pulled together some incredibly talented coders and designers, stuck them in a room together and told them to go play.
A no frills, polished but Spartan quiz experience
An immersive and gripping physiological adventure
A unique and magical VR title that couldn’t have been imagined five years ago let alone brought into reality. Highly recommended.
Pretty to look at but dark and uninspiring
A love letter to the halcyon days of the arcade shooter
Blacksad: Under the Skin is a solid detective noir adventure that will test your powers of deduction and entertain you with a winding and twisting story line.