Tag: jrpg
Crystal Chronicles Remastered will likely appeal to the most nostalgic fans and win over a few new players.
An anticipated sequel, which everyone had high hopes for. Some appreciated it more than others and I can see why!
I mean...yes?
Guild Wars!
At its core Fairy Tail is a great turn based JRPG with a colourful cast of characters, stunning visuals, compelling storyline and a combat system with great depth.
It's a game about a living Sega console that you can now play on a portable Nintendo console; this is a fantastic time to be alive.
The best Sword Art Online game to date!
Where the game shines is, surprisingly, in its visual novel style scenes, the artwork looks fantastic.
Shadows of Adam's story is a character driven story. It contains a deep narrative and an interesting plot.
Adol Christin's cloudy memories serve as the driving force behind this adventure's home console remaster.