Lightwood Games have released a lot of titles over the last few years, which tend to fall into two brackets. The POWGI series of games are a range of word games that include Word Maze by POWGI, Tic-Tac by POWGI, Fifty Words by POWGI and Crossovers by POWGI. These games are fairly simple and variations of the same subject matter i.e. find words within the screen. The other kind of game Lightwood Games make is in the style of Picross, essentially you need to colour in certain blocks on a grid to produce a picture. More recently Lightwood games have produced much larger word search games, the latest being Epic Word Search Collection 2.
If you played the first Epic Word Search Collection, then Epic Word Search Collection 2 will make you feel right at home. Epic Word Search Collection 2 is split into four major themes; Epic Word Search America, Epic Word Search Monster, Epic Word Search Rock, and Epic Word Search Summer. Each of these themes is a ginormous word search. Each of the themes contains 1,500 words, yes you read correctly 1,500 words. The gigantic word search is split into 16 themed grids, some words can start at one section and end in another. Luckily, each grid is colour coordinated, there is a list of words located on the right of the screen that can be found on the part of the grid you are currently viewing. Perhaps Epic Word Search Collection 2 is at its most basic just 4 stupendously sized word searches or Epic Word Search Collection 2 contains some of the largest word searches you are ever likely to play.
As I’ve mentioned before, it is always difficult a game like Epic Word Search Collection 2, it is effectively a very simple word game on your PS4. Epic Word Search Collection 2 graphically is very simple using only a certain amount of colours. The words you can find on the screen are clearly shown on the right, just like a normal word search, words go left to right, up and down along with diagonally. To highlight the start or end of a word in Epic Word Search Collection 2, click on the relevant letter, then scroll up, down, left, right or diagonally until you complete the word. If you don’t complete the word correctly, then you must do it again. Similar to normal word searches, Epic Word Search Collection 2 contains many words that use the same letters, so be prepared to go over the same letters a lot.
In Epic Word Search Collection 2 just like most Lightwood Games titles there is a hint function. Considering how large each word search is and how competitive you are, it is likely you will use it at least once, it has no effect as there are no scores or online recording of how quickly you complete each theme. The hint only highlights the first or last letter in a word, it’s up to you to find the word. If you use the hints, then you’ll get through Epic Word Search Collection 2 a lot quicker.
Graphically Epic Word Search Collection 2 is very simple to look at, the intro screen is quite in your face, but once you get past that you’re simply left with lots of letters and a few colours. Musically Epic Word Search Collection 2 like most word games from Lightwood Games contains the usual piano based classical music. There are no other modes in Epic Word Search Collection 2 outside of choosing which theme to play. That’s a shame because a high score/fastest time table or multiplayer functionality would have doubled the already massive amount of time you could end up playing Epic Word Search Collection 2.
Epic Word Search Collection 2 is one of the largest word search games out there, if you are a word search aficionado then Epic Word Search Collection 2 could easily be described as the best word game you’ll probably have played on the PS4 in terms of how many words you will need to find. For everyone else Epic Word Search Collection 2 won’t convert you as there is no multiplayer nor are there any other modes to speak of. If you like word search games, then Epic Word Search Collection 2 will keep you entertained for hours, if you don’t then don’t play Epic Word Search Collection 2.
REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Playstation 4 code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to
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Epic Word Search Collection 2 Review
Gameplay - 7/10
Graphics - 5/10
Sound - 5/10
Replay Value - 6/10
User Review
( votes)Overall
Welcome to some of the largest word searches you will ever see in Epic Word Search Collection 2!