Life Is Strange episode 2: Brave New World takes the story of Chloe Price and Rachael Amber in a more personal, and more emotional route this time than even the original Life Is Strange ever did. The episode picks up right after the events of episode 1 where we find our beloved characters in some very hot water which right away puts you in the spot light tying your hands down with choices that make you thoroughly thick of your actions before moving forward intensifying how you carry on throughout the rest of the game. It’s no easy task as each sequence only gets more difficult as you progress ultimately leading to Chloe’s suspension from Blackwell which answers some old questions from the original game. If I’m being honest, the intro was probably the most challenging sequence of the entire episode itself.
Brave New World is just an extra hour and half, if not, two hours longer than the first episode really going into depth of explaining both Chloe’s and Rachael’s journey before the final episode release later this year or early next year give or take, so giving players more time to understand both characters before their inevitable departure makes all the more since if only some parts in that process made much since. There aren’t really new features that play a role in the outcome of the story or your actions like in the original where your rewinds were limited and you were forced to rely on your verbal and photographic memory to get though, instead we just get to try on some more new outfits that we only get to switch out once. Sure they add some character… to the character, but it doesn’t really have a role in the story or an outcome. Though if you stole the Firewalk shirt in first episode most of the cast would acknowledge it, in this episode the wardrobe feature is just more for show. Perhaps its similar to Max’s plant, Lisa, but at least that had consequences if you chose to water the plant or not. Other than that, the one thing that does stand out in some ways is how carefully you handle tough personal choices when prompt which happens often times than not.
On the flip side, what feels like something that doesn’t have a lot to make out from does have a great amount of secrets and clues to comprehend and piece together. Brave New World gets more into the personal side of not just your two main characters Chloe and Rachael, but it goes even further as to getting into the personal problems of the supporting cast around them. When an option to “back-talk” or make a choice to between helping out a character in need or being selfish comes along it was a bit bitter-sweet as I felt almost bad for some characters even for ones that I personally don’t favor, except for Victoria, she’s no exception. But being given a second perspective to influence your decisions definitely adds another layer of sympathy to Chloe’s character.
When you’re not out making tough, regrettable decisions you do get to enjoy time to yourself exploring Rachael and Chloe’s soon to getaway clubhouse in the junkyard as well as putting together Chloe’s nostalgic truck that we know from the original, which we might get to see her use in the final episode (fingers crossed). There’s even a peak at Samuel and Pompidou down the line which I don’t about you but I was pretty ecstatic to see again. Some more surprising than others, both just as equally memorable in their own way.
Even though I find myself enjoying each episode from beginning to end it still puzzles me how Deck Nine will wrap up the series with just one more episode left to go. It feels as if they’re may be more questions left unanswered than anticipated. I’ve been so thrilled to get the chance to play as Chloe the last few short months, but then again I can’t help but get that the ideal story of Rachael and Chloe’s past that we all might have thought isn’t leading to proper conclusion that we might be expecting. Not saying that its entirely a bad thing, but it does in fact feel somewhat oddly misleading in some ways as far as the plot goes and from what we envisioned how it should ending from old clues of the first life is strange.
Here’s to hoping the final episode doesn’t feel rushed and we Rachael and Chloe can have their proper send as ironic as that sounds and the final outcome after all is said and down pays off the even though we all are aware of what is to come.
REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Sony Playstation 4 code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to
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